Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Salvation Testimony

In the spring of 2004, I was a happy 18 year old, enjoying life, I had more friends than I could count and more fun than I could ever imagine. I went to bed on a Saturday night with hunger pangs, but decided I didn't want to eat anything, so I went to sleep. The next morning, I woke up with stomach cramps, and felt miserable. Monday I made a doctors appointment, and had some tests ran, and I was diagnosed as having a case of food poisoning, given a prescription and sent on my way. I felt better for a day or so then regresses. After suffering for a few days, I made another appointment, and I was hospitalized due to severe dehydration. After more tests, I was told I had an ulcer, released then given a prescription. As the time went on, I began to lose a lot of weight, over 25 lbs. in less than 2 weeks and I was starting to see my problem was serious. I had some scopes done on my insides, and the doctor found my large intestine was full of ulcers and tissue inflammation, a disease known as Crohn’s disease. My organs were shutting down, I couldn’t eat without throwing it back up, and I thought I was going to die. I was at my worst, within hours of death on a Thursday, I begged my parents to take me to the doctor and they finally gave in. The doctor saw me, and decided I would be best served going to a larger hospital and arranged to have me hospitalized at Atchison, then transported to KU Med in Kansas City. I was transported to KU Med, where I was immediately put in intense treatment, to try to heal my insides, and clean myself out for more scopes. After 3 or 4 days without eating, I was discouraged and hopeless, but I know I needed to be cleaned out for the scopes. I remember praying the night before the scopes, and the next day, I came back completely clean. The ulcers had healed and I was sent home a couple days later. Being a rebellious teenager who didn't learn my lesson, I spent a lot of days with a friend and his girlfriend in Lawrence, Kansas, drinking and wrecking my body. After a few weeks I got homesick, and started coming back around my house, and I was on the internet late one night in a Yahoo chatroom, when a girl sent me an IM. Her name was Jessica, and she was a Christian from California, and after a few conversations I started developing a curiosity about Christianity. About that time, the Passion of the Christ came out on video, so my family rented it, and I watched it, and God began to wreck me. Watching the films portrayal of the suffering of Jesus convicted me, and opened my mind to a lot of questions. I called Jessica's mom and began asking a ton of questions, and she gave me reading assignments from the Bible, and I tried to understand, but things went over my head That Christmas, her family bought me my first Bible and I began to read a few parts of it, but wasn’t really interested. I decided I needed to go to church, called a Pastor, asked a few questions, then decided to go the following Sunday, January 16th. I wasn’t sure what to expect that Sunday, so I had my sister go with me. There was a Missionary speaker there that Sunday, who preached the gospel and the message began tearing at my soul. I had no clue I needed forgiveness of sins, I knew I was a sinner, but I didn't know I needed a savior. During the invitation I decided I wanted assurance that I would be going to heaven if I died, so I accepted Jesus as my personal savior. I began reading the Bible I was given and began attending that church regularly, being baptized on March 27, 2005 on Easter Sunday and became a member at the same time. I was given the chance to work there in April of that year, and I have been there ever since, the Lord has been good to me through my time as his child. I pray that he would keep me well, and would bless my work for him.


Mr.Bill Cockrell said...

Yes Raymond thats an awesome testimony; I pray that the Spirit of the Lord continues to work in your life. Thanks for sharing this.. it encourages me to write mine sometimes, maybe after I move and get internet set up at the new place. God Bless

Anonymous said...

Ahhh. It's so amazing reading your testimony...and it's even more amazing seeing God shine through you! :D

Just Me said...

Hi's me the girl from christian penpal site...i've read your! That's all i can say...God really works in you...
Well...i kinda have different side of story. I come from a very strict family. My dad used to be an abusive one but my mom is a tough religious woman, she has done many things and choose to stand still for her children.
As years gone by, my dad started to change...not an abusive as he used to but still a strict one and i know that's because of my mom...her faith and all of her prayers for years.
I love reading others testimony in the name of Christ to strengthen my life. I still in my journey to know Him better...sorry for my bad english..~Selly