Monday, May 17, 2010

I Just Heard from Heaven

1. Once I wandered out in sin, far from God away,
But the Savior took me in, gave me peace that day.
Al my heart to Him I give, no more sin allowed,
And I've just heard from heaven, and it's all right now.


Well, I've just heard from heaven and there's one thing I know.
My sins are all forgiven, He washed me white as snow.
The load that once I carried, He took away somehow,
And I've just heard from heaven, and it's all right now.

2. Trials come to you and me, burdens hard to bear,
But Our heartaches, grief, and pain He will gladly bear.
So just look up and trust in Him, and leave your burdens there,
And you will hear from heaven when you call in prayer.


3. When my load is hard to bear, and my path dim,
No one else seems to care, then I go to Him.
He's my intercessor there, so at His feet I bow,
And I've just heard from heaven, and it's all right now.


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