Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We Want You Over There

We Want You Over There

We're going home to glory soon
To see the city bright,
To walk the golden streets of heav'n,
And bask in God's own light.
But some of you are out of Christ
And held by many a snare –
We cannot leave you lost and lone;
We want you Over There.

The pearly gates are open wide,
And we shall enter in –
To know thenceforth no tear or sigh,
No sorrow and no sin.
O come with us, and come at once!
That land is bright and fair!
We cannot leave you lost and lone;
We want you Over There.

We come to tell the story true
Of love so rich and free!
A crucified and risen Lord
Has grace for you and me!
O listen to the words of love
His messengers declare!
We cannot leave you lost and lone;
We want you Over There.

We once were burdened sore with sin,
And dark were we and sad;
But Christ has washed us in His blood,
And He has made us glad!
Fly to His wounds, ye guilty ones;
His love and mercy share.
We cannot leave you lost and lone;
We want you Over There.

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