Monday, October 17, 2011

Modesty—A Lost Cause?

Modesty—A Lost Cause?

Kim Melton

“In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.” 1 Tim. 2:9, 10

We live in a society where it is perfectly acceptable for the human body to be displayed in clothing that would have caused our grandparents to blush in shame. It used to be that these displays were on the people “of the world,” but in the past several years immodesty has begun to creep into the church. I have watched a married man avert his eyes when a young lady passed him in church in a dress that was provocatively cut. I overheard a Christian mother and her daughter discuss in a positive way how sexy the daughter looked. I have viewed pictures from weddings (a Fundamentalist pastor officiating) with dresses on brides and bridesmaids that several years ago were sold in stores as sleepwear.

There are many differing opinions among Christians about what is acceptable. Often you hear the term “Christian liberty” used when someone is defending what she is wearing. The purpose of this article is not to set a standard, but to make us stop and think about what kind of example we are setting.

I must confess that as a young woman I never gave the issue of modesty much thought. I had a mother who made sure I was modest. To my shame, I can remember times when I fought her about it, but she stood firm. Now I am grateful for the instruction she gave me in this area.

Even as a young married woman I didn’t think much about what was modest because at that time it was easy to go shopping and find clothing that was acceptable. I remember a time shortly after my marriage when my husband asked me kindly not to wear a certain blouse any more. I remember inwardly wrestling with whether or not I would do what he asked. I realized there must be a reason he didn’t want me to wear it, so I decided to listen to him. Now that I am older and hopefully a little wiser, I realize that a man knows how other men think, and I need to listen when my husband speaks about this important area.

There are many people (not just in our Fundamentalist camp) who are trying to fight this issue of immodesty. I watched a news clip recently on the local channel about a fashion group that was started by an unsaved mother who was concerned about the immodest apparel available for her teenage daughter to purchase. The fashion show demonstrated how to buy and layer fashionable clothing that covers appropriately. If this mother who doesn’t know the Lord is concerned, how much more concerned should we be who represent the King of kings!

Over the years I have heard good teaching in this area and have read many books on the subject. Perhaps the thing that has helped me the most was teaching I received by the former assistant pastor of my home church, Gordon Dickson. He was teaching on the fear of the Lord, and he asked the question, “How can I dress today to show that I fear the Lord?” This simple question has stuck with me over the years, and it can be applied to any area of our life as we seek to show that we fear the Lord.

Sometimes I feel that modesty is a lost cause. It is becoming increasingly difficult to buy modest clothing. Everything is getting lower, tighter, shorter, and more provocative. What are we to do? Sewing is becoming a lost art, but for those who do sew, this is a great solution. You can hire a seamstress to sew for you or to alter existing clothing to make it modest. I did a Google search for modest clothing and came up with a number of sites offering fashionable clothing. God will lead you in this area if you allow Him to do so! “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt. 6:33).

Ladies, please don’t give up in this vital area. Set an example for others around you. Train your daughters. Let’s adorn ourselves in modest apparel “which becometh women professing godliness”!

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